So, one of the things that I’ve been told I am very good at is the practice of delegating.  This managerial technique has nearly become a lost art, particularly in the family setting where Mom feels she has to do it all.  And since we’re dealing with a target market that is soon to be parents of a little one I thought it would be great to elaborate on this hidden, and most helpful, art of delegation.

As a soon to be busy mom you will really need to hone your delegation skills so that your postpartum recovery period will go as smoothly as possible.  While your postpartum doula awaits your every beck and call you will be utilizing her skills as you delegate those tasks that are most important to you.  Your husband and family members who are desirous of serving you during this critical time of mother-baby bonding will be more than happy to accommodate your every need as you delegate to them those areas that require attention.  

Your Birth Doula will also be delegating areas of research to you as your prenatal period unfolds.  Those topics that are of  pertinent to you will be discussed in great detail during your prenatal sessions but only to the degree that you have armed yourself with the information relevant to each subject.  She will not be spoon feeding you the intelligence necessary for you to have a comfortable working knowledge of the vast realm of information that pertains to labor childbirth.

As your prenatal season draws to an end and your deliver approaches your support person will be on the scene to fill their support role with the tasks that your delegation will relegate as significant to you and your family.  Your birth/postpartum doula awaits your specific instruction as to what will best minister to you throughout your labor, birth, delivery, and postpartum phase.  As your relationship with your professional brith doula develops she will be in a position to better serve you and your family as you practice the art of delegation to it’s fullest.