Yesterday I had the opportunity to serve a lovely couple attempting a VBAC at an area hospital known for their great midwives.  This couple was repeat clients and I really looked forward to working with them.  They came into their labor well researched, prayed up, and anxious to meet their little girl.  Mom’s labor began around 2 AM with contractions coming every 3 – 4 minutes and lasting a minute to a minute and a half and this had been going on for a couple of hours.  I fully expected this labor to be over soon but I was quite mistaken.  After laboring all day and late into the night, the baby’s heart rate dropped significantly and failed to rise back to normal rates.  After attempting to get the baby’s heart rate back into an acceptable range, the midwife decided the baby was in distress and she rallied the OB/GYN team for an emergency C-section.  Mom accepted the decision quickly with her only concern being that for her baby girl.  It literally took less than a minute get Mom into the OR.  While waiting for Mom and Dad to return from the OR, I had a lovely conversation with the Mom’s dad where we recounted her last labor, two years prior, when we supported Mom and Dad as they labored and, ultimately, awaited their return from the OR.

You may wonder why I entitled this post, “A Beautiful Birth.”  There were quite a few, the first one being the wonderful midwives that served, encouraged, supported, and lifted this sweet couple.  Even though the labor was rather long with very little visible progress, since Mom only dilated to 4 cm., both midwives were genuinely concerned that this mom get a legitimate and exhaustive attempt at a VBAC.  I was so impressed with both midwives, but, particularly with the latter one as she propped Mom up through moments of despair, tears, discouragement, and, ultimately, the decision to move quickly towards the section.  Another thing that made this birth beautiful was the wonderful spirit of worship that we all experienced as the Mom’s dad led us in singing, praying, worshiping, and praising through the ups and downs of this labor.   He was an anchoring presence to both Dad and Mom and even the staff was touched by his ministering presence.  As the C-section was approaching, he helped to steady Mom and Dad and led them to a place of thankfulness and acknowledgement of our Heavenly Father’s sovereignty.  The final thing that bears mentioning is a sweet bonus to a long day.  As Mom was returning to her room, her bed was wheeled into the room and curled up in her mother’s embrace was this sweet little girl that we had been waiting for all day.  She was alert, calm, and so full of peace.  What a healing presence she was to her Mama.  I was amazed with it all.

So, as I made my way home, exhausted to the max, I pondered the unfolding of the day and I, again, realized how I truly enjoyed birth work and serving my clients in gaining the birth they are looking for.  What a pleasure to get to know my clients as they explore their needs and options as they await the birth of blessing.  Looking forward to many more days of serving expectant couples as they meet their newest loved ones.

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